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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

PUNE ATTACK .....-An Event Of Shame

What is the first question that comes to your mind after seeing this image?U might be thinking what are these people actually doing?what are they investigating on?Lemme tell you this is the recent Pune attack...I think last to last year there was a attack on 26th of November on Mumbai,and then what did the Indian Government do?They just condemned the attack....Oh Sorry all the other countries in the world did that ,because the countries round the world don't have any other work,other than condemning it..They always do the same..And i don't know what is India doing.They only increase the security at the time of attack and that security prevails only for the next few dayz and after that everybody has just forgotten about the Mumbai attack..And to India's surprise there comes next attack in Mumbai itself and that too in Pune that too a very crowded bakery ..So that is what Indian Government calls security in its words?Wow that's security....just want to clap for India's security power....what a moment of shame it is for all?And now even after the attacks what did the government do?i believe nothing as such..and what is the current news that two small groups have taken the responsibility for these attacks...and now what do you think who is actually responsible for these attacks on India?Should India and Pakistan go for peace talks even after this?Not that puts everybody in dilemma?Can we rely on the Indian Government for the security?I believe the answer is a big big NO....

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